I know I’ve seen the answer to this before, but had a hard time tracking it down, so thought it worthwhile to post.
To change the web page’s HTML title (or any other head information) for a web component, create a method updateRoot: . This method will be called when the component is rendered on the page – remember to always super the call too.
component>>updateRoot: anHtmlRoot
super updateRoot: anHtmlRoot.
anHtmlRoot title: 'fooTitle'.
"do anything else you'd like to Root here too"
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I'm the founder of Agoric Source, co-organizer of the Houston Python Meetup, director of technology at Newspaper Subscription Services, LP, technology advisor to InstaFuel, active board member of the Houston Area Model United Nations, and occasional volunteer to the Red Cross (during hurricanes or other local emergencies). I'm first and foremost still a software hacker, but with my economics background and business experience, I serve well as a project or program manager, technical visionary, etc.
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